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What is Sedation Dentistry and Who Can Benefit from It?

January 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drpanneck @ 5:23 pm
Woman relaxing in dentist’s chair.

Did you know that the American Dental Association was founded all the way back in 1859? Since then, dentistry has advanced by leaps and bounds to become much safer, more efficient, and even quite comfortable. Thanks to advanced technology, highly trained dentists, and friendly dental teams, getting proper dental care has never been easier. However, studies estimate that up to 20% of Americans still avoid visiting their dentist out of fear or anxiety. With the help of a modern practice called sedation dentistry, there’s no need to be afraid. In fact, this means of relaxing in the dentist’s chair can benefit all sorts of people! If fear, pain, sensitivity, or disabilities make it difficult for you to get the oral care you need, your sedation dentist in Jonesboro is here to help.
